What really triggers diabetes type 2 in a person ?

The Onset of Diabetes Type 2 Is Gradual with a Specific Weight Gain

The  development  of diabetes type 2 is a gradual  process but in  most  cases it  is  preceded by obesity or excess  weight gain; particularly around the  belly. It  occurs in  those  adults between  the  ages of 50  and  60. It  is frequently called onset-adult diabetes. 

However,  nowadays there  is  an increasing  number of younger people developing diabetes; probably due  to  obesity or  being  overweight. By  far  the  most  common  cause  of diabetes is excessive weight gain, but it  seems, not  because  of being overweight or obese  per se.

Although the  accepted consensus of  the medical profession is  that the cause of T2D is  obesity or being overweight, how  is  it  that even  people  with a  normal  BMI (body mass  index) can  contract the  disease?

 What  research has  shown  is that diabetes type  2 happens  when an individual exceeds his or  her capacity to  store  fat. That  is  to  say, the individual cannot  tolerate the weight  gain, more  importantly  they cannot bear the amount of subcutaneous fat. The  tolerence is  determined by a person’s genes.

 Each  person  has a personal fat threshold, and  if  exceeded it  will  lead to  fat depositing inside the important organs regulating energy  storage: the liver and  the pancreas. These  facts have  important  implications in treating  and  overcoming  type 2 diabetes.