My name is Harry Michael Ernest. My wife and I have been married 44 years, and we are the parents of two daughters. I have been a type 2 diabetic for at least 16 years. I have been able to control the disorder through diet and exercise, and without medication.


I graduated as a physiologist in 1977, but I did not pursue a career in it. However, the knowledge that I acquired helped me immensely 30 years later; when tiredness and craving for sugar led me to take a blood glucose level test.


The test result was 600mg/100ml. The doctor gave me a pill, which I compliantly took, and later almost collapsed. My instinct told me that blindly following traditional medicine in my case, was not altogether the best path to follow.


I had faith that my body could heal itself; I just had to reset a balance. For three weeks I ate no sugar, no starchy foods, and drank no alcohol. I calculated my basic metabolic rate requirements and consumed the energy needed with low-carbohydrate vegetables, fat and protein.  

I also built up muscle mass with exercise. My blood glucose level dropped below 100mg/100ml. I naively thought I had cured myself of type 2 diabetes.

Though I was careful what I ate, I didn’t test my blood glucose  level for about three years! My glucose
level was up again at around 200 mg/100ml after waking up. Again I was able to lower it with exercise and diet.

The picture you see above is before I seriously  followed an appropriate diet. I realized that unless I adopted a life-long healthy lifestyle, my condition would never be reversed, or at least controlled, and would only get worse.

Over 20 years I have controlled the condition, often very well and sometimes I have relapsed. After the last
relapse, I decided to permanently maintain my blood glucose level to below 100mg/100ml.

My 20 years as a type 2 diabetic has given me important insights on how to maintain a healthy blood sugar level naturally. For this reason I would like to share what I know in the form of blogs; and, I must admit, it is because I want to answer two questions: Who have you loved and what have you done in this life?



So on this website I would like to tell you what type two diabetes is exactly, and what could happen if left untreated. More importantly I would like you to know the ways in which you can put yourself into a non-diabetic state; naturally.